I Just Threw Up In My Mouth
Milk Beer. Seriously. Could there be *anything* more disgusting? I am completely unconvinced. What will those crazy Japanese come up with next?
/* verifies my page for google statistics */
bentropy. n. - 1. A measure of the disorder or randomness in an intellectual void.
2. A measure of the loss of sanity in a transmitted message, especially e-mail/blog/myspace.
3. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of hyperactive non-sequiteur.
4. The conscious resistance to the inevitable and steady deterioration of a system: society.
Milk Beer. Seriously. Could there be *anything* more disgusting? I am completely unconvinced. What will those crazy Japanese come up with next?
yeah yeah yeah, I know...straight out of the annals of /.
So now we see Google jumping on the renewable energy bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. Anybody. I’m just saying…it’s a pretty bold move to throw millions of dollars at a problem. But the real difference is if they start placing their datacenters to take advantage of renewable energy, in addition to focusing the funding on very specific goals, programs, and/or companies. That kind of money could easily disappear in a science project that goes nowhere, or a pet project that benefits the few.
I’m just saying Google needs to keep an eye on their money, and make sure that it’s actually not being evil.
*such* a huge fan. MagLev. Does it get any cooler than this?
I feel dirty even pondering the scenario, but I admittedly am thrown in so many directions by the idea of elderly, rich, white women wandering down to africa for sex with young Kenyan men. One hand hand, I say cheers! to those women who rediscover their sexual drive at that age. Then again, what the hell are they thinking, as far as AIDS goes. And on a third, more bizarre note, one has to ponder if some of this has a real racial undertone...I mean, talk about a bizarre kind of servitude. I don't guess I would exactly call it slavery, because as far as the story implies, they men are free to choose their lifestyle; but nonetheless, it is certainly a bizarre story.
So yeah. I don't know if you remember all that fuss like two years ago when the Fox NewSpeak (where's Orwell when you need him?) pundits embarked on their crusade to "save Christmas". I certainly do. It was with consternation and a chuckle that I regarded most of those rants, until I saw that they were actually catching on with some portion of the country. I was flabbergasted, and more than a little surprised. The fact that the general populace in whatever form they take could have been subjugated into complicit brainwashing on this subject makes me weep; now, even more than then. And so it begins again...
Is it bad when I have just as vehement an emotional response when an article comes out saying exactly nothing as one that could signal the end of the world? Well, perhaps it's just that I've grown increasingly tired with the mass idiocy that allows Bush to stay liked by *anyone*. Blah. Anyway, here's the article.
Ok, so the NYT always has these articles with well thought-out and justified theories applied from the experts in various fields and frequently incites thought-provoking conversations. The linked article on the capabilities of women vs. men in the chess world is no different. However, having been through the experience of progressive socialization of introverted male dorks (and I don't think it's a stretch to call the average brilliant young chess player a member of this group), I would like to offer one possible additional data point to consider when taking a woman and putting her in the traditionally male-dominated society of competitive chess. What if the better-than-expected performance of women taking on the men is due in part to the fact that the boys are nervous about being around girls? I have seen this first-hand in educational and performance scenarios, and I don't think it's outside of the realm of possibility. Of course i'm not taking away from the victories those female competitors achieved, I don't suspect there's any real inherent capability bias in either direction. Which is why I don't think statistics would really show a bias either, unless there's some other external factors leading to the shift. I say we just socialize our young dorks a little bit more; and then they would be able to maintain their focus when they come into contact with the female competitor.
Seriously. Some people just have too much money. And even worse are those who devote so much time to the subject that they are called "experts". I mean...really? You're that bored?
This is really a pretty ridiculous story, of this guy who is essentially a rich playboy with many many toys, who decides he wants to be known as an outlaw car racer. So he decides he wants to break the record set by the Cannonball Run (the movie was priceless), and he does it with a dizzying array of advanced equipment and focused police-evasion planning. Check it out...
Now, I’m not sure what I feel about this subject. It seems like he’s blowing smoke on some levels, although in the more complex balances I don’t know enough to say one way or the other. Certainly interesting thoughts, though…
Hah, another interweb choice content consisting of phrases people have seen on bumperstickers. Some of them are really pretty good...