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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Drug Death-Match

Where do people come up with this stuff? A comic jokes about which over-the-counter drugs are the strongest, and makes a hilarious story of his experiment along the way. As Neerav pointed out to me, this is easily the best line:

"I have a rule: when you start hallucinating a giant pickle holding a monkey, it's time to put down the bottle of Robitussin and go home."

Ha! Love it. Anyway, take a read...

New 7 Wonders?

I really like this idea, actually. It makes me feel a little bit more significant, like we're living in a time that can be respected or at least studied by later generations and ages. But I do have to wonder what's a good way to think of judging these things. I mean, we're continuously outdoing ourselves in terms of outlandish, large, and garish construction projects with little or no practical value. But then again, we have many fantastic constructions that create whole new realms of possibility in energy, construction, transportation, and patriotism.
Where even to begin? For the gamers out there... can I get a "wonder" shout-out here for Civilization and/or Rise Of Nations? hah, you know what i'm talking about

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Gods Must Be Crazy?

I'll be honest, I'm having trouble reconciling this. I really really want to laugh, despite the fact that two people died. I keep thinking: "what if they didn't know what an artillery round signifies?". But then again, if you live in a war-torn country that has faced revolution and insurgence repeatedly, I somehow think they've picked up on these sorts of things. Maybe this unfortunate accident really does belong in the realm of the rocket car or the bullet fuse told by the Darwin Awards.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ecological Footprint

Nothing particularly surprising in this little survey or its results, but it does serve to remind of how wasteful most of us really are...

Bias in reporting?

This line in the article pretty much says it all:

"...is it actually possible to remain completely unbiased on a matter of such high contention?"

Amen to that... to my mind, no. It is definitely not possible to maintain a completely unbiased report. But that is not to say that we should simply throw up our hands and allow ridiculous slanting of media. It is still incumbent upon the media sources to maintain as much unbiased reporting as possible. It is simply something that we as readers and/or consumers of this information need to be aware of; perspective plays a role in the creation and interpretation of every medium, and news media can be the most dynamic. It is a responsibility that falls upon each person, and cannot be sloughed off by blaming the preponderance of biased media. We are the ones that need to educate ourselves on the sources from which we get our news, and choose a broad spectrum of those sources in order to piece together a more realistic picture of the world around us.

Time to Shift our Excuse-Making?

Interesting article on ForeignPolicy.com about politicians likening every conflict we enter into to the appeasement of Adolf Hitler pre-World War II. While I'm not overly familiar with all the details, it seems like a pretty reasonable point, and the overall idea is something I've touched on before in this blog.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Drilling Alaskan Wildlife courtesy of TheOnion

I don't know why this is so funny to me, but I've been chuckling for a solid half-hour...check it out

Friday, October 06, 2006

Shout-Out, to my New England Gangstas. All up in the 860.

Yes. You know you like it. This might be the funniest video I've seen in months....