Daft Punk Girls
Apparently I am now in love with two face-less female robots.
Simply : The. Coolest. Dance. Ever.
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bentropy. n. - 1. A measure of the disorder or randomness in an intellectual void.
2. A measure of the loss of sanity in a transmitted message, especially e-mail/blog/myspace.
3. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of hyperactive non-sequiteur.
4. The conscious resistance to the inevitable and steady deterioration of a system: society.
Apparently I am now in love with two face-less female robots.
Simply : The. Coolest. Dance. Ever.
If you haven't voted to punish the heathen usurpers and bring back beer gaming to it's rightful homeland... Vote for Beirut: do so now.
Well, I guess it had to happen, eventually. Just as so many elements of our backwards culture (I’m thinking mostly of Britney spears here) seem to went their way into the pop culture of the rest of the world, so has the idiocy surrounding copyright thought apparently inspired
The alternate vision of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, with their acid-induced hijinks, would probably be the government-sponsored testing of LSD as a psychotropic truth serum. This is a really interesting example of the tests the government ran to evaluate the effects of the drugs...
Yeah, if I had kids you could be pretty damn sure I would be loathe to put photos on this "cute kid" website. I can't shake the feeling that it is a barely hidden undercurrent of questionable kiddie porn. I think it's creepy for the whole internet to look at your kids. And besides, who the hell cares? And who's voting on this crap, anyway? The sick bastards that populate the internet are *not* who I want telling me whether or not my children are attractive.
Yup. Just when you thought our president was the alone in the world of bone-headed idiocy, along come the Canucks with a completely boneheaded PR nightmare from their PM...of course, after they introduced curling to the Olympics, it was probably only a matter of time before that was followed up with some more of that brilliant work.
A fascinating article here brings up the valid question of whether it's really such a good idea to head down the road of digital storage when the long-term lifecycle costs for maintaining that information is looking to be very very large. Questionable, at best. And as usual, some of the comments tagged on the end brought up some very interesting points about distributed storage via the general public. Idea being that worthwhile information will be maintained by individuals and entities that will continuously modify and maintain it across the various formats and years that come down the pike. Of course, this also means that the information control is no longer in the hands of former power structures but rather in the hands of individuals and society. Good or Bad? who knows. Such things are beyond our power to really figure out. Digital does many good things for us in terms of distribution, but as the saying goes: easy come, easy go...
Ethanol is not even close to the right solution for our future. It's a step backwards. I could rant about this for hours, but there's a great article under Popular Mechanics that pretty much sums it up. I hate the fact that our politicians are so influenced by the money train. Not surprised, not hopeful of a change, just pissed off...
Am I the only one who thought of that timeless movie classic, Swarzenegger’s Running Man? I mean, it’s not exactly a far cry to imagine that these athletes are soon tracked all over the place by paparazzi, and messed with continuously. And since they’re probably still going to find ways to get all hopped up on steroids, the roid rage will turn every suburban enclave into a little death arena; the photographers are like the “gladiators” and the athletes are the ones wearing spandex body suits and speaking broken English…or did I take that too far? No matter. You know you loved the movie just as much as I did…
A micro-size nuclear reactor. Hell yeah. For those that are familiar with Isaac Asimov, it smacks of the Foundation... I don’t know how realistic this thing is, and what the regulatory environment would allow in
Now this is my kind of pet: a genetically engineered monster!
Labels: humor
I am someone who has wrestled with all sorts of religious questions myself, both in terms of philosophy, anthropology, and in some cases actually physically wrestling with “jesus-freaks” in college who did not like my questions.
That said, I have gained quite a bit of perspective over time, and have generally come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people who follow a religion are pretty solid folks. Some are misled by darker souls, taking advantage of complicit trust in their position within an established hierarchy of church and/or state. But mostly, people are just trying to find their way.
So it is with interest and a positive nod that I link to the following post (yes, bloggers posting to bloggers; whatever).
Yes folks, w00t has been crowned as a new "word of the year" . I am totally serious. This pains me in ways I cannot even describe. F-ing dorks...<sigh>
I know, exactly the same title as everybody else's posts that I'm sure are being generated as we speak.