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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is Peace a Realistic Possibility?

FP takes a look at other common border/land disputes between nations, besides the popularly observed Israel vs neighbors and India vs Pakistan. The only thing that this serves to show is simply a reminder that these things go on forever and ever, as long as the wound is allowed to be remembered. Time does not heal all wounds, many of them get infected; nowhere is this more true than in international politics. As the saying goes: old habits die hard. The only realistic solutions to these disputes are not, in fact, very realistic at all, because they are complete solutions and therefore very extreme; and could not be embraced by any heterogeneous populace of a nation, region, or world. It kind of makes you want to just throw your hands up in the air and say "Fine, children. Go ahead and fight until you get tired. But you're not coming out of there until you work something out."

tough love, anybody?


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