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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Inter-State Rail

Well, this is the first serious white-paper I've seen on the subject of serious passenger rail implementation, but it's really a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. We will have to go down this road eventually, I think, and not even because of the energy concerns. Rather, the simple congestion of most regions near cities is too high already; so with further growth and rising density in any of these areas, we just won't have the capacity to pack more and more personal automobiles into the mix. The largest barrier has and probably always will be the standard American hard-headedness towards personal mobility, which is to say that they will not give it up at all, no matter what the consequences. It's unfortunate that we as a people are so stubborn about this subject, but it's a very real issue, so it's really up to all of us to start making the transition where we can, now. Hopefully it will catch on as improvements in rail service increase, and costs for personal transport rise.


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