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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Those crazy euro environmentalists

And by European environmentalists, I mean *everyone* in the world besides, of course, Americans.

It seems like most of the world is starting to “get it”, yet we’re just sort of twiddling our thumbs, waiting for the next round of American Idol. Infuriating. And a little bit depressing.

At what point do we finally start to look around and say, “Hey, what happened to all those glaciers and shit?” It better be soon, otherwise we’re going to be on the fast-track to self-defeat… because the reality of the debate on global warming is not whether or not we’ve caused it or not. I think we certainly have contributed in large part, but even if we haven’t, it’s not like taking measures to curb greenhouse gases will hurt anything. And the earth’s natural mechanisms for balancing ecosystems will probably be able to counteract this global warming thing, too. But all that’s saying is that life in some form or another will be maintained by Gaia. That’s not to say that humans have a starring role or even a bit-part in the final act.
The earth’s ecosystems and climates shift around to counteract our damage, and the most logical outcome is that eventually the cause of that change is eliminated or marginalized. Way to go, humans. <high five>


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