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Monday, June 04, 2007

Putin pleads for relevancy

So Putin says they’re going to point missiles at Europe in response to US missile defense systems being installed in eastern Europe. And he’s doing this because the US is “trying to start a new arms race”. Well, yeah, that much is obvious. The only thing is, we’re starting an arms race w/ Iran, not with Russia. Nobody gives a shit about Russia, except that they keep selling off all their old weapons to the third world. I mean, we do that also, but at least we’re funding very specific groups of insurgents that will in no way become the world-wide leading terrorist group in twenty years. Right?

So this is Putin jumping up and saying that he wants to sit at the big-boy table again. I mean, Russian missiles wouldn’t even go over Europe to reach the US; they’d go over the Arctic. And as far as just pointing more missiles against a defended area so that saturation ends up beating the defenses…well, I suppose you could do that, but it’s a little ridiculous. After all, how many nukes does Russia have? Thousands. How many missile interceptors do we have? Optimistically, like 15. Even less in Europe. And they’re something like $15-20M per missile. Are we really going to be able to convince Congress to install 100’s of these things all over the world? Doubtful.


Whatever. Russia, grow up.


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