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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

China + GE = progress?

I guess the really good thing about this is the inherent necessity for the development of green products in China, as opposed to here in the US. I mean, America has traditionally been very fickle with the development of these technologies, with only niche markets supporting and implementing the technology. The mainstream support and acceptance varies directly in proportion to gas prices, so it's anybody's guess how much support there will be for the new tech tomorrow, next week, or next month. China, on the other hand, is up against a wall as far as their balance of energy, pollution, and industrial development. They are racing to develop and implement these technologies in an effort to not overextend their metaphorical hand. I would think this bodes well for us because this means the impetus required to develop advanced "green" tech is in place there, so the rest of the developed world would then simply have to implement these technologies which would already be in the process of being installed in mainland China.

That's progress, I would say.


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