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Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Folly of Iranian Attack

The Russians have got it right, if you ask me. Attacking Iran would be roughly the dumbest thing the US could do, right now. Not only could we not win a war against Iran (for many of the same reasons we cannot really win in Iraq), but we would suffer much more significant losses against an Iranian force than we ever did against Iraqi forces. It’s stupid to believe that we can continue expanding the scope of our military operations in all these regions and not pay some serious consequences for it.


I mean, I guess the argument is that if we ignore Iran’s posturing and weapons development, then we are simply allowing a current thorn in our side to grow into a full-fledged world power with nuclear weapons. In that drastically over-simplified scenario, then yes it makes sense to hit them now as opposed to later (ounce of prevention, pound of cure, etc). But when you think of the fact that in stretching ourselves this thin, we lack the dedicated industrial base to replace our material and manpower losses were we to get involved in any struggle that pitted industrial AND motivated war-fighters against us. We would then see a quickly escalating problem in all of our operations, because they would start failing simultaneously. That is simply not something you can recover from. Now, is Iran with nukes worrisome? Yes. Without a doubt. But there is a chance that it won’t happen. Or that some other nations will step up. Or that the future will find different “Great White Satans”. If we wait for the future, there is a chance we will fall, due to attacks from a stronger Iran. But if we attack now, we are virtually assuring it.


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