On Second Thought, 'Tis a Silly Holiday...
So the day began innocently enough, albeit at 11am. From there we discovered a number of interesting scenarios... all of which would have been forgotten completely were it not for a photographic record.
For instance: we discovered the leprechaun had already lost his pot of gold... damn thieving elves...

Following this, we pit-stopped for pizza and apparently had to camouflage ourselves as obnoxious college students on spring break. I think we did quite well...

I guess in a more polite world we would have stayed as sober as can be, and never strayed far from this:

But then, we would never have discovered their true feelings for us.

Good to see you looking so happy....or is that the alcohol talking?
Regardless, here's an amusing follow-up to seniors with Wii problems....and not the kind that require oversized diapers:
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