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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Michigan. And cool fall weather.

Just hit up michigan for a few days, in preparation for my buddy's wedding and to visit a few navy friends up here for school. Not really sure what I expected of the place, but it sorta surprised me. I guess I pictured like a Penn-State-like massive student body crammed into a little town in michigan, and probably more trees and cheese vendors. All in all, it's pretty much standard americana, replete with the strip malls, frat houses, and university buildings in resurgent architectural styles, overlapping with the restaurant and bar streets. However, I discovered that MBA students really don't do much work, they pretty much drink beer and play speed quarters. For those of you who have never played speed quarters, it's a very aggressive form of quarters, a drinking game involving bouncing a quarter into a cup, and drinking either as a punitive measure or competitive equalizer. Either way, it's pretty fun, although ridiculous. I mean seriously, it's a wednesday night, people. Don't you have exams or essays or something? I'm probably just jealous...hehe


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