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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mark it 8, dude.

Well, actually just under six. That's how many months I have left in this United States Navy before I separate and go civilian. Have to admit, I'm pretty excited about it. Navy has allowed me to do many great things, although it has left me with very little time to develop a social life, and leaves me thirsting for truly intellectual interaction. My navy friends are great, but it is frowned upon to debate religion, politcs, or anything confrontational while at work. And since I'm *always* at work...well yeah. So it'll be nice to get back to debating, arguing, and generally proving that I don't know what I'm talking about through the magical practice of yelling obscenities at the top of my voice. Although with this freedom comes the job search, so in that vein... anybody hiring? <grin>

I'm looking to move back to the northeast when all is said and done, so hopefully I'll start seeing my college and high school friends with a little more frequency... here's to hoping?



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